The anatomy of an Agent profile - Understanding each section and how you can tailor your agent's profile.

The anatomy of an Agent profile - Understanding each section and how you can tailor your agent's profile.

Agent Profiles 

*do not change the above email in the Agent profile, this is the email used to connect to all usable integrations.

If have to add an agent profile, visit here.

Account Management 

Here you can change the email that your agent wants to use to login.

Xero Contacts

Here is where you add, remove, or change the Linked Xero Contact.  For more information on Linked contacts, click here QuickBooks Online users will see this as QuickBooks Online Contacts.

Profile Notes

For more information on profile notes, click here

Current Reporting Office

In this section, you can change the Agent's anniversary date (contract date for deduction plans), their current reporting office (for more info on this, read here), add their Licensing information, etc.

Accessible Offices

If you wish your agent to have access to their loft account, click invite in their Account management section and add the office they will have access by clicking New and choosing the office from the dropdown, that pops up.

Add office access, save changes


Add deductions to your agent's profile, to learn more, click here

Deduction Adjustments

To learn more about adjustments, click here

Commission Adjustments

To learn more about adjustments, click here

Account Balances

This section shows you what's owed to you (AR) and what you owe to your brokerage (AP)

Reporting Office(s) — Financial Summary

For more information on this section, click here

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