Multiple Brokerages/Xero Accounts Connection

Multiple Brokerages/Xero Accounts Connection

As multi Brokerage user or Accounting firm assisting our clients, the new connections in Xero can get a little complicated. We've outlined three scenario's for users with either Multiple Brokerage access or multiple Xero Organizations.

SCENARIO 1: One Loft47 user with more than one Brokerage connecting to a single Xero organization.
SCENARIO 2: User has multiple Loft Brokerages that are each connected to different Xero orgs. The user is connecting a new Brokerage to a new Xero Org. 
SCENARIO 3: User has multiple Loft Brokerages that are each connected to different Xero orgs. The user is connecting a Brokerage that has previously been connected to one of the connected apps. 

SCENARIO 1: One Loft47 user with more than one Brokerage connecting to a single Xero organization.

WARNING: If you DISCONNECT the XERO account from ANY Brokerage in Loft it will automatically disconnect all other connections in the other Brokerage’s that were connected using the same Xero users log in. 

 Connecting the first Brokerage account 

We should see ‘Allow access’ in Xero with no other organizations connected. 

Connecting a second Brokerage account or reconnecting your Xero Account

You should see ‘Continue with 1 Organization’ and clicking in the drop down you can see that the connected Brokerage is greyed out. So you can just click continue. 

If any of the connected Brokerages are disconnected from the Xero Organization then each connection under all other Brokerage that were created by that Xero user will be disconnected. 

Running batches in any of those Brokerages will throw one of the the following 2 errors: 


You can simply reconnect to the Organization to get batches working again in any of the Brokerages.

SCENARIO 2: User has multiple Loft Brokerages that are each connected to different Xero orgs. The user is connecting a new Brokerage to a new Xero Org. 

Xero has a specific way of authenticating  / connecting with Loft which depends on the Xero Advisor user email address.

The best practice is to set up a unique email address for an Advisor type user for each Xero, *You do not have to set up multiple Admin accounts in Loft47, you just need a unique account in Xero. If you use gmail as your email this is easily done by just adding a + sign after your regular name and adding a suffix, like so  for each instance of a Xero account you connect. If you don't have gmail, you will have to create a new unique email address (we suggest creating a gmail address, as it's free) for each of your logins to Xero.
Then head to to the Xero you wish to connect with Loft47> Remove the Loft instance in Xero>Connected apps.  Head back to the corresponding Loft Brokerage, head to the Xero page> Click connect & Authenticate, Sync Xero.

Repeat the above steps after logging out of the Xero account you just connected and log into the next Xero for your other brokerage you wish to connect to Loft47.  This should keep each of your Loft accounts connected appropriately with their own unique user logins this way you can then log into Xero independently from these connection with your regular email login without fear of disconnection due to the conflict of Xero's authentication rules.  

The user connects to Xero and can view which Xero orgs are already connected to Loft through the drop down menu. Xero will allow you to pick a new organization or continue with any number of connected apps.

By choosing a new Xero Org you will see a successful connection in Loft. 

  1. A user tries to connect a new Brokerage and Xero account that have never been connected before. By selecting a new organization and NOT continuing with 2 Organizations you will see a successful connection in Loft and will be redirected to the Xero activity page. 

  1. Since the Brokerage has never been connected before, if the user selects Continue with 2 Organizations Loft doesn’t know which Xero account to connect to and will return this error. 

The user can go back to the Activity page and try reconnecting to a new organization. 

If they need to connect to one of the Xero Organizations being used in another Brokerage please either use a different Xero log in to connect or reach out to and we’ll see if we can help you. 

SCENARIO 3: User has multiple Loft Brokerages that are each connected to different Xero orgs. The user is connecting a Brokerage that has previously been connected to one of the connected apps. 

As the Brokerage was connected to one of the “connected Orgs” in the past, if the user selects “continue with 2 organizations” Loft will reconnect to the same organization used in the past and redirect the user to the Xero activity page. There you can view the successful connection and the name of the organization it is connected to. (available in Xero V2) 

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