In order for us to enable GDS in your brokerage account you must first connect GoogleDrive, in Loft, via the Integrations page. Follow the steps in this article to connect
Once you’ve connected to GoogleDrive, enable the nightly export option and then reach out to support to let us know you’ve done this and we will then spin up your Brokerage and Agent GDS Dashboards.
At any point, you can remove your agent’s GDS Dashboards by simply removing the URL in the field. To do that, head to Integrations> Click Edit> Expand the Google Data Studio Section and remove the URL in the second field>Save your changes.
When logging in, your GDS will be your ‘home’ page.
You can request customization via the ‘Customize Dashboard’ button at the top left of the dashboard. The cost for customization is $75/h and our specialist will quote you a time frame based on your needs.
‘Written’ Data
This data set is based on when the deals were created (generated in the system)
In GDS, the deal’s value is not using end counts but instead the actual number of deals. So a list, sell, and double end deals would count as 1 each.
This value is pulling all deductions, set in your deduction templates, to ‘income type’ and/or your GL type classified as Income. Example of a deduction set to Standard type but the G/L is classified as an income type
Right click on any Report to export
This data set is based on the deal’s closed at deal set in your deal’s detail>date section.
This data set is based on the deal’s Transacted at deal set in your deal’s payout or Transacted pages.
A unique PIN will be generated daily in order for your agent to access their data, this is a security feature that we will not be removing as it’s protecting their data as well as their colleagues.
You can share the following video with your agents to refer to.