Deal numbers null# and duplication

Deal numbers null# and duplication

Sometimes when creating a deal, the deal will duplicate and/or will create without a deal number. 

Here's how you fix those:

If your duplicate deal has the same MLS number. 

1. Open the deal you WANT to void and head to the details section of the details page
2. Remove the MLS number
3. Click Exclusive/non-mls checkbox
4. Add the deal number in the next sequenced number, so if the last deal was 100-2020-0001, add 100-2020-0002*
5. Change the Sales Status from Firm/Conditional to Voided.
Update your changes.
Next update the deal you WANT to keep by following Steps 1 and 4.  Update those changes

*If you have multiple offices, the first 3 numbers of a deal reflect the office number designation, so you will have to make sure the deal number reflects those office numbers and the deal number is the next sequential number for that office.  


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